Introduction |
Note conversion |
Timing |
Examples 1 |
Examples 2 |
Index |
SolFaSoGood can take a music score, saved in Music XML format, and output a Sol-Fa version as a web page. This page deals with 'time signatures' (4:4 etc.) and how the notes are split up on the output. Click on the "Introduction" tab, above, for further information. Timing |
Time signatures and controls:Firstly, Music XML files contain entries for each change of time - here is a 3:8 time, for example: <beats>3</beats> <beat-type>8</beat-type> |
Note values:These are the 'units' used by the program:
Augmentation dots.A single 'augmentation dot' alongside a note increases the notes value by a half, |
Time signatures allowed for by the program:
Please let me know which of the mistakes you found in the above.
This page last updated 9th. August 2020. |