

Note conversion


Examples 1

Examples 2



SolFaSoGood can take a music score, saved in Music XML format, and output a Sol-Fa version as a web page.

This page deals with 'time signatures' (4:4 etc.) and how the notes are split up on the output.

Click on the "Introduction" tab, above, for further information.


Time signatures and controls:

Firstly, Music XML files contain entries for each change of time - here is a 3:8 time, for example:



Within the Music XML file are sections for each note.
Inside those are (usually) entries labelled <duration> and <type>.

The program compares these two to work out a duration value for each note.

The effective 'durations' for each note type are listed below - a 'whole' note being 128.

Since the XML files do not always contain both of these entries for each note, the program tries to work out a value for each note from what it can find.
It displays some messages stating how it does this.

If you are having problems with its fitting of the notes in the output, try running it again with the second-level-diagnostics parameter (D2) set. This changes the output to show the notes 'values' and how they have been fitted in. See the example for what it looks like.

If you receive a "Critical Error" message about "Only reached note (nn) when length of bar reached" then one other thing you can do is to increase the number of beats in a bar using the TBB parameter. Try a fairly large value which you can always reduce later.

Note values:

These are the 'units' used by the program:

𝅜 - 256 - breve
𝅝 - 128 - whole note, semibreve
𝅗𝅥 - 64 - half note, minim
- 32 - quarter note, crotchet
- 16 - eighth note, quaver
𝅘𝅥𝅯 - 8 - 16th. note, semiquaver
𝅘𝅥𝅰 - 4 - 32nd. note, demisemiquaver
𝅘𝅥𝅱 - 2 - 64th. note, hemidemisemiquaver, semidemisemiquaver
𝅘𝅥𝅲 - 1 - 128th. note, semihemidemisemiquaver

Augmentation dots.

A single 'augmentation dot' alongside a note increases the notes value by a half,
eg. a half note with a dot has a value of 96 (64 + 32).

Time signatures allowed for by the program:

in a bar
Every nth.
by a
2:2 64 2 2 128
2:4 32 2 2 64
3:2 64 3 3 192
3:4 32 3 3 96
3:8 16 3 3 96
4:2 64 4 2 256
32 4 2 128
6:4 32 6 3 192
6:8 16 6 3 96
9:4 32 9 3 288
9:8 16 9 3 144
12:8 16 12 3 192
Other values can be dealt with, using the TBL, TBB and TCR parameters.

Please let me know which of the mistakes you found in the above.

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This page last updated 9th. August 2020.
Images and text © Copyright Jim Batten, 2020.

Send corrections, comments, enquiries, etc. to Jim Batten